Volunteerism is a significant part of the lives of many individuals here in Sooke, and I'm one such person. Since 2010, I've worked with some remarkable people dedicated to creating a more sustainable, resilient community rooted in the back-to-the-future principles of the world-wide Transition Town movement. I also took on a variety of other positions here in one of Canada's (self-proclaimed but entirely justified) volunteer capitals prior to election to District of Sooke council.
My activities have included:
My activities have included:
- Sooke Transition Town Society board member, 2010-18; president 2014-18.
- core team member of the Sooke Region Multi-Belief Initiative; formerly involved with Zero Waste Sooke (2015-18), Save Our Coast Sooke and the Sooke chapter of Dogwood BC.
- board member with the Edward Milne Community School Society, 2012-2019; president 2014-18
- board member, Sooke Region Farmland Trust Society, 2013-2017
- chair of Sooke's Climate Change Action Committee, 2015-2016
- public member, Sooke's Community Centre Advisory Committee, 2015-2016
- candidate for District of Sooke Council, November 2014
- co-founder/organizer of the Sooke Slow Food Cycle, 2011 & 2012
- campaign manager for Alanda Carver's bid to become Juan de Fuca's Regional Director, fall 2011
- public member of Sooke's Community Grant Committee & Economic Development Commission, 2012
- copywriting (press releases, website material) for the Sooke Region Volunteer Centre
- copywriting/consultation on the Sooke Moon Community Wellness Society's proposal to establish formal youth and senior community centres
- organizer with Sooke Region Food CHI Society's Farm Tour (2013, 2015)
- social media for various local groups, including EMCS Society Programs, Sooke Food CHI, Sooke Yoga & Wellness, and the Victoria Family Court & Youth Justice Committee.